I have to share
My 10 year old son wrestles. The season is getting ready to start again and there was a board meeting tonight. I came in not really thinking about the fact that I hadn't seen these people since March. I swear I almost got a standing ...
Veganomicon - Cookbook!
I got excited because I just found out the author of Vegan with a Vengeance is coming out with a brand new cookbook. It looks awesome! I just pre-ordered one :) http://www.amazon.com/Veganomicon-Ul...0339946&sr=8-1.
Brain System Serves As 'Remote Control' For Fat Metabolism (Science Daily)
A system in the brain already known to regulate food intake also serves as a direct "remote control" for the way fat is stored and metabolized in the body, according to researchers. What is known as the melanocortin system, the researchers say, controls fat metabolism and the way it accumulates in the body completely independently of food intake.
Burn Fat and Build Muscle - Big Fat Myth or a Sexy Reality
By Tom Gifford Can you really burn fat and build muscle at the same time? The question of whether you can burn fat and build muscle simultaneously has been a debate now for quite some time. So can you actually...
Microwaves used to predict fat content in meat products (News-Medical-Net)
Microwaves used for zapping instant meals can also be used to determine the fat and salt content of supermarket food, according to research carried out at two Manchester universities.