Saturday, September 8, 2007

Fat news 08/09/2007

Even with some exercise, belly fat is hard to shake (Fort Worth Star-Telegram)
By MARJIE GILLIAM The belly is probably the most stubborn area of the body to firm up. Here are possible causes of lack of flatness/firmness in the abdominal region: Body fat levels Subcutaneous fat is easy to recognize. It lies just under the skin and covers the underlying muscles. Even with regular abdominal exercises, if subcutaneous fat levels are high, the area will have a soft look and ...

‘Fat Nick’ Reflects On Life After Conviction (Queens Chronicle)
(Michael O’Kane) Nicholas “Fat Nick” Minucci denies he’s a racist, despite the public’s perception of him. Part 1 Fourteen months after playing the shackled court jester in the media spectacle that enthralled Queens and the city, Nicholas “Fat Nick” Minucci remains at once a picture of gaiety and tribulation.

Hitler loses his XBox live subscription
Forum: General Banter! Posted By: bluntman420 Post Time: 09-08-2007 at 09:45 PM.

Fat Buildup In The Hearts Of Pre-diabetics Revealed By New Imaging Technique (Medical News Today)
A simple imaging technique developed by UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers has revealed fat buildup in the hearts of pre-diabetic people long before symptoms of heart disease or diabetes appear. [click link for full article]

Dairy-based dressings are low-fat (The Sentinel)
Dressings can make everything taste better, but often the price paid for delectably savory, rich toppings is unwanted fat and calories.

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