Friday, September 14, 2007

Fat news 14/09/2007

Gothylocks shows off for the camera.
Forum: Non Site/Webgirl Picpost Posted By: Ruke Post Time: 09-14-2007 at 07:07 PM.

Kan.: Fat-Treatment Regulations Blocked (AP via Yahoo! Finance)
A judge blocked a state regulation Thursday that would have prevented most doctors from injecting chemicals into their patients to melt body fat.

Pinup - Morning news and a cup of coffee
Forum: Pic Post Forum Posted By: Olivia_bbw Post Time: 09-14-2007 at 03:52 AM.

Reality TV: Fat reality (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)
This week brings reality TV viewers a joyful new beginning and an inspiring finale in the land of weight-loss shows on network TV, with the super-sized, two-hour premiere of season four of "The Biggest Loser" and the conclusion of season one of "Fat March."

Beware of Fat People (The Nation via Yahoo! News)
The Nation -- There is no doubt that there is plenty to be concerned about when it comes to our unhealthy diets. Yes, a number of us eat too much food, especially the worst possible kind. Why make do with one hamburger patty, when you can have two, and please, please don't forget the bacon, mayo, or oodles of melted cheese. All of it over-processed and drowning in saturated fat. Yummy!

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